Madeira Wine Authentic Moments


Madeira Wine can be appreciated at any time. According to each type, Dry Madeiras are great with aperitifs, as well as the Medium Dry ones, which are also a wonderful complement of soups. Cheeses are perfect to pair with Medium Sweet Madeiras, while Sweet Madeiras are ideal for sweets, chocolates and even more interesting with an excellent coffee.

Madeira Wine can be appreciated at any time. According to each type, Dry Madeiras are great with aperitifs, as well as the Medium Dry ones, which are also a wonderful complement of soups. Cheeses are perfect to pair with Medium Sweet Madeiras, while Sweet Madeiras are ideal for sweets, chocolates and even more interesting with an excellent coffee.


Madeira Wine News
Madeira Wines present at Essência do Vinho – Madeira 2023

Madeira Wines present at Essência do Vinho – Madeira 2023

 The Regional Secretariat of Agriculture and Environment, through the Madeira Wine, Embroidery and Handicrafts Institute (IVBAM) will support the participation of the Madeira Wine sector, in the fair "Essência do Vinho – Madeira", which takes place between the 23rd and the 25th November, in the “Grand Ballroom”, at the Hotel Savoy Palace. In this edition, IVBAM will support 7 Madeira Wine producers, by contributing with 50% of the value of each producer's t


A Wine with a name of an Island, an Island with a name of a Wine